Teens always fit with medium hairstyles including if the cut comes with bangs. Like this lovely 2014 hair trend. It is cut below the shoulder and mainly accentuated with leveled layers to the hair’s end. The bangs are layered as well to get the perfect side parting style. This fits best for straight hair.

One of the most favorite trends for medium hairstyles in 2014 is this natural and simple haircut with layers. It is best fitted for women in 20s and 30s because it lets them to appear more mature. Layers create sophisticated feature while the side parted medium bangs play as lovely hair details.

What most women want from medium hairstyles is the chance to look versatile and feminine. That’s why in 2014, the classic layered cut for straight hair type is a favorite. The leveled layers create unique feature especially for oval face. And, the long bangs will be nice additions to greatly shape the face.

The medium hairstyles appear even greater and more sophisticated for fine hair. Witness this cute 2014 trend that is characterized with big waves. It looks so natural that makes it perfect for daily use. Indeed, waves can be achieved by braiding the hair overnight instead of using curling iron. Choose side parting style for best look.

Thick hair is no longer a constraint for getting fabulous medium hairstyles. Try this 2014’s hot trend with messy-curly hair that is styled just above the shoulder. It uniquely appears thanks to deep layered cut and rich curls. Its long bangs that are pulled aside offer great finishing touch. Use hair gel to achieve the desired result.

If yours is considered thick wavy hair, then you need to try the versatile medium hairstyles. For 2014, this cut will be another craze even celebs love it. Cutting deep layers is the secret behind thinner hair feature. Get curling iron for richer and smaller curls. Don’t forget the medium bangs that should be curled and side parted.

If you are about to go proms, curly hair is often more recommended. And, you can get this for your medium hairstyles. The trend in 2014 takes you to rich curls from the hair top to end. Layers make the cut looks edgier while the side parted medium bangs beautifully shape oval and round faces. It’s great idea as well to add hair color highlights.

When women are over 50 years old, medium hairstyles are best alternatives in 2014 instead of long hair. Like this simple cut that is slightly above the shoulder. It fits fine and straight hair. It’s mainly characterized with low profile cut with some layers and short bangs that are side parted and pulled backward a bit.